Balance Method and Distal Acupuncture
Acupuncture is well known for the treatment of pain, internal issues, stress and anxiety. I specialise in fertility support, both natural and assisted IVF/ICSI. With first hand experience into the IVF process, I offer personal and professional insight from my own fertility journey.
I practice various styles of traditional acupuncture including Dr. Tan’s Balance Method and Master Tung. Both these styles use sites on the body away from the original area of discomfort or imbalance. Commonly the lower limbs, ankles, wrists, hands and feet treat the whole body. For example, the hand or top of the head can treat back pain.
Balance Method is dynamic and I encourage clients to move and feel changes or sensation while the needles are in, activating the body’s natural healing response, treatment can be tailored further and layered if required. Then just relax, take an acu-nap, and let your body rebalance.
Initial Consultation & Treatment (80 mins) - £75.00
Follow Up treatment (50 mins) - £60.00
5 Treatments Prepayment Package - £270.00
Full courses of treatment from - £540.00